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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19856
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: bodhi

Member#: 494
Location: Manchester
Registered: 04-01-2004
Diary Entries: 3

Mood: Reet
11th January 2004
Boogie Boarding: Porth Oer
Wind Direction: West south west
Wind Stength: Suicidal
Surf / Sea State: reasonable size,messy
Air Temperature: 3 degrees C
Sea Temperature: Cold with knobs on
Weather: damp
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Began the day with a hang over and stinking on last night's kebab. Made it to Thodd's on time incredibly and we made our way to Abersoch. After an hour or so on the road, we stopped to eat at which point I realised that I'd forgotten my towel, much to the amusement of the others who leapt to my rescue and picked up loads of McDonalds napkins.... funny b******s!

We checked out Hell's Mouth first and were greeted by a white churning mess and a wind suitable for kite surfing the QE2. Infact the only signs of potential were being shown by the puddle in the carpark which was demonstrating a clean right hand reef break of around an inch or two!

Hindered by Sat Nav we made our way over to whistling sands (via bognor regis judging by the route! Never trust a computer!) and found that although the wind was still howling along, the enclosed bay was picking up some reasonable 5 foot sets.

We suited up in 3 degree centigrade winds (according to Madam Sat Nav) which is about as much fun as glueing your willy to a ferarri. Having never surfed here before, I was really chuffed that there is a channel down the left hand side which allows you to get to the back of the break without fighting your way through the first 3 lines. Within 2 seconds, I'm eternally grateful to my girlfriend for buying me wetgloves for xmas... 2 seconds after that I'm in ice cream hell...... the ice cold spray was being blown at hell of a rate straight into my eyeballs, which I enjoyed immensely.

In all seriousness though, it was a really good session by the time we came out after about an hour. We had warmed up a lot apart from the odd head freeze and had some quality rides and the odd wipeout. I really buzzed off being back in the swell in my little world where I'm only caring about one thing - That rush of riding this amazing force. Watching Thodd absolutely take it home on one of the biggest sets that day helped to make it a perfect session.

I say perfect... remember the towel thing! Blue and crying is probably a good way of discribing the last part!
Still it's getting a five stars for being a truly awesome day!
Toys Used:
Manta AMP 42"
Billabong Winter suit Snug



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